New beginnings
For the first time ever, I can call myself a home owner
It's a pretty scary thing but has been a long time coming. As you'll no doubt come to know, dear readers, I'm a bit of a late bloomer. Maybe it's the generation I'm in, maybe it's a part of the GeekGirl culture, who knows? But like so many people nowadays I moved out briefly for uni only to plonk back home again with my parents. Frantic saving, a dose of generosity and many aborted attempts at finding a decent place to rent (two double bedrooms! How hard can that be?!)and here I am, livin' it large in my own place.
We'll sort of.
Let's get things straight here: I'm a tiny bit useless. Adulting is not something that comes naturally and at 26, geeky, confused, single and surrounded by friends in relationships, getting married and popping out babies, I really think I ought to have this down pat already. Instead I feel like I'm limping behind the herd like that asthmatic rhino in Jumanji. You know the feeling.
So I thought I'd create Pixel Magpie as a little celebration of my new independence to share with you all - for any other late blooming dorks out there and for any family members fretting over whether I've managed to accidentally set myself on fire yet.
You guys rock.